( Fr- vesuvianite; Ger- Vesuvian;
Nor- vesuvian; Rus-
[i.e., idocrase] )
A. Vesuvianite ("Californite") polished
pieces -- turtle carving, diverse cabochons, and pendant (width - 2.5
cm) -- from "Pulga
deposit near Pulga, Butte County, California. Pendant setting by Salvador Padilla,
fashioning of stone by Chris Arp and
Carey Robbins. Kathy
Saladin collection. (© photo by Roger Smith)
DESCRIPTION: Compact, massive varieties.
Colors - most of the gemrock material that
has has been fashioned and marketed is
shade of green; some massive vesuvianite with a good potential
for future use as a gemrock is of one or some combination of the
following colors: white, yellow, reddish brown, lilac
even bluish; also, some of the massive green vesuvianite, widely
referred to as californite, no matter where it was recovered, has
streaks or
irregular speckles of one or more of these other colors.
H. 6½ - 7
S.G. 3.28-3.55
Light transmission - subtransparent
to subtranslucent
Luster - dull to
resinous to vitreous
- uneven or conchoidal
Miscellany - attacked
by HCl. Pakistani vesuvianite exhibits an orange fluorescence
when exposed to x-rays; most California
vesuvianite does
not fluoresce, and the rare specimens that do exhibit a green
(Crowningshield, 1965-66, p.366).
OTHER NAMES: Several names have
been given to the mineral now recognized as vesuvianite by the CNMMN of
the IMA. The designation idocrase,
however, continues to be used widely, especially in gem(m)ology and the
"lapidary world." In addition -- and it is unclear whether most
of the
other names were meant to pertain to only macrocrystalline
to compact
massive varieties of vesuvianite, or to vesuvianite in
general -- it seems only prudent to repeat the following names given
this mineral as listed in Dana
(1992) and/or
Dana-Ford (1932): californite, colophonite, cyprine, egeran, genevite, loboite, wiluite (or viluite) and
xanthite. However, of these names, I have found only those listed
below to have been applied to compact massive vesuvianite varieties
used as gemrock rough. (But, It also seems prudent to add that
this is not to say that one or more of the other terms has not also
been applied
to the gemrock variety; it merely indicates that I have not seen
such use of those terms.)
- Californite (a compact massive vesuvianite
± grossular) - this fine gemrock (see
Figure A) has been marketed as American
California jade, Feather River jade, Happy Camp jade, Pulga jade,
and Vesuvianite jade; The use of these names, in my
opinion, is unfortunate so far as recognition that massive vesuvianite
should have as a gemstone -- see also related statements under the
REMARKS subheading.
- Cyprine - name sometimes given the sky-blue
vesuvianite, some of which comprises compact masses, such as that
associated spatially with the thulite variety of zoisite from
Telemark, Norway.
- Egeran - name frequently applied to a brown or
yellowish green vesuvianite
Eger (Ohre) River region of westernmost Czech Republic (formerly
- Idocrase - As implied by the heading, noted
above and also in the first paragraph under the REMARKS subheading,
vesuvianite is the
accepted mineral designation but
the name idocrase
is also has been and continues to be applied rather widely to
vesuvianite, no matter what the
- ... jade
- see Californite.
USES: Fine gemstones for jewelry as well
as fine
carvings of rocks made
up largely of vesuvianite and grossular-vesuvianite,
the latter usually called grossularite-idocrase, have been recorded
(e.g., Crowningshield,
1967, p137). Nonetheless, probably
the most widely known use of
compact massive
vesuvianite is the substitution of the variety called
Californite for jade.
OCCURRENCES: In metamorphic rocks,
especially in skarns -- i.e.,
impure limestones that have undergone contact
Siskiyou County and near Pulga, Butte County, California.
REMARKS: The mineral name vesuvianite,
given by Werner in 1795, was for its occurrence at Mount
Vesuvius, near Napoli (i.e.,
Naples), Campania, Italy, where it was found
in metamorphosed limestone blocks that were engulfed within the
lava. The name idocrase, given by Haüy in 1796, was based on
the Greek εἴδοϛ (forms) and κρȃσιϛ
(mixture); this name was apparently chosen to direct attention
to the fact that the mineral has crystal forms that are common to
other minerals --i.e., it is
mineral with so-to-speak mixed forms. As already noted,
vesuvianite, having priority is
preferred in the mineralogical community, but idocrase persists in some
literature, especially that of gem(m)ology, as well as rather widey in
the marketplace. The name
californite was given to
this material by the famous mineralogist and gemologist George
Frederick Kunz, who was long associated with Tiffany and Company of New
York City.
With all due regards to G.F. Kunz, I believe
that gemrock vesuvianite would have gained more
"prestige" in gemology if the term californite had never been
introduced. This is so, because It appears that its "new" name
led to the additional attention given vesuvianite, and especially its
comparison to jade and subsequent role as a
jade simulant. And, to me the use of any gem material as a
simulant serves only to denigrate its use under its own name.
Massive vesuvianite is a great gemrock(!), and it seems to me that with
little thought, its own name -- i.e.
vesuvianite -- could have been used to advantage in the trade and in
the marketplace: The name
vesuvianite was given by one of the most famous (or infamous, depending
on ones views) early mineralogists; he named it for one of the most
widely known volcanoes in the world, Mount Vesuvius; and that volcano
is near the famous city of Napoli (Naples). Would this not have
been a much better approach? One can only guess. In any
case, it would have resulted in this fine gemrock's becoming recognized
on its own merits, rather than as merely a good simulate for
another gemrock (jade).
I have seen no jewelry or ornaments mislabeled as vesuvianite or
idocrase, and I have seen no records of such false
labeling. The designation californite, however, has been
applied -- albeit rarely -- to an off-white grossular from Fresno
County, California as well as to massive green vesuvianite.
Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult, if not virtually impossible,
distinguish between these two minerals in their massive forms without
utilizing non-macroscopic means that
utilize rather sophisticated equipment.
REFERENCES: No general
reference. Hemrich, 1964.
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